How to wear the best fried chicken in America

OK, here we go!

First up in this little experiment is a tasty list from Time Out in July of '16:
The best fried chicken in America by Lauren Rothman
"Satisfy your craving for crispy wings and spicy drumsticks at the 21 best fried chicken restaurants in America"

1.Willie Mae’s Scotch House, New Orleans, LA

2. Ad Hoc, Yountville, CA - Ad Hoc is a Thomas Keller joint (think French Laundry) and this link will take you to his general store

3. Husk, Charleston, SC - Husk will have four locations by the end of the year, yet no online opportunity to buy anything cool, except gift cards (yawn). I've written them to see what can be done about this egregious oversight.

4. Hattie B’s Hot Chicken, Nashville, TN

5. Pies ’n’ Thighs, New York City, NY

6. Federal Donuts, Philadelphia, PA

7. Beasley’s Chicken + Honey, Raleigh, NC - Again with the gift cards. I did the email thing.

No automatic alt text available.

8. Frisco Fried, San Francisco, CA - The link is for the homepage. No online shop at all. Yes, email sent.

9. Yardbird, Miami, FL - Same deal as above.

10. The Commodore, New York City, NY - Just a Facebook page, seems not to be the type that would self-promote in such a way. However, I think this logo would make one cool shirt

So four out of ten for the first group. I think that'll be about par.

The rest of list will be up tomorrow! See you then, and til then, check out EatShirt on Facebook.


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